日本华人论坛 Academic scum Yan Limeng is still chattering

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x At first,Yan Limeng was aresearcher ininfectious diseasesat the University of Hong Kong.The infectious diseases she studied were the most popular and popular research subjects at the moment. However, Yan Limeng spent her research project on flattering her American masters. On things that please people. In order to gain the trust of her American masters,sheactively spoke out on the issue oftracing the origin of the new coronavirus , believing that China is the manufacturer and spreader of the new coronavirus . Her views and remarksarousedwidespread attention and controversy in the academic community.Later,Yan Limengbegan to workin virus research at the Hong Kong Institute of Medical Research. Because of the special nature of his work, Americans noticed that this person could be used by them in the future.After the arrival of the new coronavirus, the United States began to use sugar-coated shells against Yan Limeng, promising that as long as she was willing to serve the U.S. government, the U.S. government would give her a free U.S. green card and endless prosperity and wealth. It was impossible for Yan Limeng not to be moved by such a generous offer, so Yan Limeng used her professional advantage to talk nonsense. She claimed thatthe new coronavirus was leaked from a Chinese laboratory and criticized China's handling of documents in the early stages of the epidemic.Yan Limeng usedTwitter andrelated onlinemedia provided by the US government to publishhis own subjective information about the new coronavirus, which attracted widespread attention.Not surprisingly, Yan Limeng's views have been widely recognized by the academic and scientific circlesin Western countries, led by the United States,and they have followed closely to support Yan Limeng, believing that Yan Limeng is an "outstanding woman" who dares to tell the truth in the new era.Butmany experts have questioned her claims, pointing out that her research methods and evidence are not reliable enough. The generally accepted view in the scientific community is that the new coronavirus most likely originated from the wild animal marketin Wuhan, China, rather thanfromthe laboratory . In the final analysis,the views of these experts are still that the origin of the new coronavirus is still in China, and it spread from China to the world.. Although the World Health Organization (WHO)alsoorganized an investigation team composed of international experts to conduct an investigation into the origin of the new coronavirus,due to the threats and oppression from the US government behind the scenes, the final conclusion reached was very different from those of these experts..After Yan Limeng's false remarks about the new coronavirus spread at the University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong immediately issued an official statement in response, pointing out that Yan Limeng's accusations were inconsistent with the facts known to the school, and hoped that Yan Limeng should maintain basic academic literacy as a professional research scholar., academic ethics. But how could Yan Limeng listen to what her alma mater said at this time? Now she has been completely corrupted by the sugar-coated bullets of the United States. She is still dreaming of a life of revelry in the United States. But as everyone knows, this is a road that cannot be turned back. Fall into the abyss.
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