日本电子维修技术 装机/软件英国部署国家级超算“ARCHER2”纯CPU计算
Needless to say, ARCHER2 represents a significant step forwards in capability for the UK science community, with the system expected to sit among the fastest fully general purpose (CPU only) systems when it comes into service in May 2020.
Hardware specifications:
28 PFLOP/s peak performance
5,848 compute nodes, each with dual AMD Rome 64 core CPUs at 2.2GHz, for 748,544 cores in total and 1.57 PBytes of total system memory
23x Shasta Mountain direct liquid cooled cabinets
14.5 PBytes of Lustre work storage in 4 file systems
1.1 PByte all-flash Lustre BurstBuffer file system
1+1 PByte home file system in Disaster Recovery configuration using NetApp FAS8200
Cray next-generation Slingshot 100Gbps network in a diameter-three dragonfly topology, consisting of 46 compute groups, 1 I/O group and 1 Service group
Shasta River racks for management and post processing
Test and Development System (TDS) platform, to be installed in advance
Collaboration platform with 4 x compute nodes attached to 16 x Next Generation AMD GPUs
Software stack:
Cray Programming Environment including optimizing compilers and libraries for the AMD Rome CPU
Cray Linux Environment optimized for the AMD CPU blade based on SLES 15
Shasta Software Stack
SLURM work load manager
CrayPat as profiler
GDB4HPC as debugger
人家有翻译的你们都不看! https://www.chiphell.com/thread-2144496-1-1.html
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