Micron on Thursday announced plans to acquire Intel’s stake in IM Flash Technologies, a joint venture between the two companies. IM Flash owns a fab near Lehi, Utah, which is the only producer of 3DXPoint memory that Intel uses for its premium Optane-branded solid-state storage products. Once the transaction is completed, Intel will have to ink a supply agreement with Micron to get 3D XPoint memory after the current agreement finishes at the end of 2019. This will have important ramifications for Intel's 3D XPoint-based portfolio.
Under the terms of the joint venture agreement between Intel and Micron signed in 2005, the latter controls 51% of company and has a right to acquire the remaining share under certain conditions. Intel already sold Micron its stakes in IM Flash fabs in Singapore and Virginia back in 2012, which left IM Flash with only one production facility near Lehi, Utah (pictured below).

intel_micron_flash_semiconductor_im_flash_manufacturing_fab_exterior_575px.jpg (150.26 KB, 下载次数: 1)
Early this year the two companies decided to fold their NAND flash R&D partnership, which made a jointly owned production facility somewhat useless for the long term as Intel and Micron were going to develop their own process technologies and memory devices going forward. Then in July the two companies announced plans to discontinue their joint development of non-volatile 3D XPoint memory after completing design of 2nd generation 3D XPoint, further dissolving any need in joint manufacturing operations in the mid-term future. As it turns out, Micron is set to exercise its right to call Intel's interest in IM Flash and buyout its stake for about $1.5 billion starting from January 1, 2019, the company said on Thursday.
Under the terms of the original agreement, Intel has purchased chips from IM Flash under a special long-term supply agreement, essentially buying at manufacturing cost. Once Micron acquires Intel’s stake in IM Flash, which will take from six to twelve months after Micron exercises its right, the two companies will have to sign a new supply agreement if they need to. On the basis of previously signed contracts, Micron will still supply 3D XPoint memory wafers to Intel for up to a year after close, at pre-agreed prices.
Given the 6-12 month lead time required after Micron hitting the button, if Micron puts its takeover plan in motion on January 1, 2019, it will need to come to new terms to sell Intel any of the Lehi manufactured 3D XPoint memory by mid-2020 or early-2021. While this is ongoing, Micron has previously stated that it is set to introduce its own 3D XPoint-based products in late calendar 2019 and then ramp them in 2020 under the QuantX brand.
While Intel will continue to obtain 3D XPoint from IM Flash until at least mid-2020, there is a big catch. The two companies are set to finish development of their 2nd Gen 3D XPoint only sometimes in the second or the third quarter of calendar 2019. The joint development takes place in IM Flash R&D facilities and the design is tailored for the IM Flash fab and jointly-developed process technology. Therefore, the transaction may potentially affect Intel’s ramp up plans for the 2nd Gen 3D XPoint memory. In fact, Intel can manufacture 3D XPoint memory at Fab 68 in Dalian, China, the company said earlier this year. However, since the fab is busy making 3D NAND, Intel may have to adjust its production plans for both types of memory.
This is a breaking news. We are adding details.
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