日本电子维修技术 外设使用Dell Display Manager快速手动切换颜色模式
切换为sRGB:“ddm安装目录\ddm.exe" /SetNamedPreset sRGB
切换为标准:“ddm安装目录\ddm.exe" /SetNamedPreset Standard
Command language
A rich and flexible command language is supported via the command-line, and command-line arguments can be combined.Where appropriate, a specific display can be targeted by prefacing the command with the monitor serial number or enumerated display number, e.g., "2:AutoSetup"; if a display serial or enumerated number is not specified the command will be applied to the current selected display or to all displays, as appropriate. Commands include:
SetActiveInput [DVI2/HDMI/DP2,etc] - switches active input
RestoreFactoryDefaults - restores factory defaults*
AutoSetup - executes an autosetup (analog only)*
RestoreLevelDefaults - restores level defaults*
RestoreColorDefaults - restores color defaults*
SetBrightnessLevel X - sets brightness to X% (0-100)*
SetContrastLevel X - sets contrast to X% (0-100)*
SetNamedPreset [Movie/CAL1,etc] - changes the Preset mode*
SetPowerMode [on/off] - sets the display power mode*
SetOptimalResolution - switches to optimal resolution
SaveProfile [Name] - save settings to named profile*
RestoreProfile [Name] - restore settings from named profile*
DeleteProfile [Name] - delete named profile
SetGridType [X] - changes Easy Arrange grid type to X
Rescan - rescans display hardware
ForceReset - reconnects and rescans display hardware
SetControl X Y - sets hex control X to hex value Y
IncControl X Y - increases the value of control X by Y
DecControl X Y - decreases the value of control X by Y
Zoom - switches between PxP and fullscreen mode
Wait X - pause X milliseconds
Exit - terminates the program
Some of these commands require familiarity with the MCCS standard. For example, on monitors that support it the command to switch the OSD language to Spanish would be "SetControl CC 0A"; to unlock an OSD that has been inadvertently locked "SetControl CA 02".
Instructions can be combined on the command-line, and assigned to standard Windows shortcuts with optional hotkeys or coupled with the native Windows Task Scheduler to execute at certain times.
For example:
"ddm.exe /RestoreLevelDefaults /2:SetContrastLevel 70"
would first restore level defaults on all monitors, and then set the contrast level on monitor #2 to 70%.
NB: If not targeted to a specific monitor, commands listed above that are tagged with an asterisk (*) apply to all monitors to facilitate simple and uniform control over all members of a multimonitor matrix. For instance, if executed on a matrix of 16 similar monitors, the command-line:
"ddm.exe /SetNamedPreset Warm /SetBrightnessLevel 75"
would set all 16 monitors to Warm preset mode, with a brightness level of 75%.
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