日本电子维修技术 显卡加拿大CHIME射电望远镜开始绘制史上最大宇宙



On September 7th, an extraordinarily powerful radio telescope in Canada has begun listening to the sounds of the universe. The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment or CHIME will help scientists learn more about the history of the cosmos, radio bursts from pulsars and gravitational waves, the ripples in spacetime whose existence were finally confirmed by scientists in 2016.

       CHIME looks like a collection of four 100-meter-long skateboarding halfpipes, but they weren't made for anybody to skate on. They were built over the past seven years to hear very weak signals from the universe and to gather one terabyte of information per second all day, every day. That means it's constantly creating and updating a massive 3D map of space.

When the 50 Canadian scientists from the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto, McGill University and the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) started conceptualizing the project, no system could handle that amount of information. Thanks to advances in video game hardware, the system now exists. Since 1 TB per second is pretty insane, CHIME compresses the info it gathers by a factor of 100,000 first before saving files on disks.

Now that it's up and working, CHIME is ready to work towards achieving its primary goal: measuring the acceleration of the universe's expansion. An accurate measurement of the expansion will help scientists figure out what causes it, whether it's the mysterious form of energy that's believed to be permeating space called "dark energy" or something else. By extension, the telescope's data could one day confirm if dark energy truly exists.

University of British Columbia's Dr. Mark Halpern explains:

"With the CHIME telescope we will measure the expansion history of the universe and we expect to further our understanding of the mysterious dark energy that drives that expansion ever faster. This is a fundamental part of physics that we don't understand and it's a deep mystery. This is about better understanding how the universe began and what lies ahead."


CHIME (the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment) is designed to help astro-boffins get a more accurate measurement of the rate of expansion of the universe. It will measure what's called the “baryonic acoustic oscillation” of hydrogen in the 0.8 to 2.5 redshift range.

It uses a series of 100 metre long static half-pipe array antennas to focus incoming radio signals between 400 and 800 MHz onto 1,024 radio receivers. It will use the rotation of the Earth to sweep a field of vision making up half the sky each night.

That's where the AMD GPUs come into the picture: the 13.9 TFLOP (peak single precision floating point performance) devices with terabyte-per-second memory bandwidth will be deployed alongside CHIME's own FPGAs to crunch the daily data deluge.

While AMD didn't announce how many of its data-centre grade GPUs CHIME has ordered, this 2015 Nature article said the telescope will need 1,000 units.
The data CHIME collects will help build a three-dimensional map of the early universe: baryonic acoustic oscillations were the shock waves that travelled through the universe when it was a plasma, before it cooled to form hydrogen.

That period – the “adolescent universe”, between 10 billion and 8 billion years ago – saw the emergence of the accelerating expansion that signals the existence of dark energy.

This paper (PDF) from CHIME explains that a technique published in 2010 called “hydrogen intensity mapping” to “trace the distribution of hydrogen gas, and thus matter, in the universe”.

CHIME's construction began in 2015, and astro-boffins also hope to comb the data it collects to try and spot the elusive phenomena called Fast Radio Bursts. ®




说好的Instinct MI25呢





CHIME compresses the info with 1 TB per second 。。。这是什么科技


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