日本电子维修技术 2915 11年1286

PPVOUT_S0_LCDBKLT  pin 38-40 (upper left of  J9000),  D9701 (upper right of  TBT Host);PP3V3_SW_LCD  L9000 (upper left  of  T4001);LCD_PWR_EN  pin 1 (lower left)  of  U9000 (6 pin , left of  T4001) or pin 1 (down) of  R9094 (left of U9000), XP25-5  output;LVDS_DDC_CLK/DATA  pin 2 (near J9000) of  R9011/R9010 (near pin 6/7 of  J9000); connect to B1B2 and B3B4 pin of U9270 (SN74LV4066A,LVDS DDC MUX,Muxed Graphics Support), and pull up to PP3V3_S0 through 100K R9010 and R9011Input come from DG & PCH, select is XP25 output;LVDS_EG_DDC_CLK  pull up to PP3V3_S0GPU through 20K pin 2 (right) of  R9270 [left of pin 1 (lower left) of  U9270 (lower right of  51125, 14 pin)]LVDS_EG_DDC_DATA  pin 2 (down) of  R9271 (right of  U9270);PPVOUT_SW_LCDBKLT_FB  test point on the upper left of  J5650 (left FAN CONN);BKL_PWM  pin 1 (left) of  C9704 [the first component with down to up on the right of  U9701 (BKLT driver)] and test point on the left of  this pin, 25-5 output;BKL_EN  pin 2 (left) of  R9715 & R9731 (the second & third compoment with up to down on the right of  U9701) and test point on the left of them;FB_B1_VREFD2  pin 2 (left) of  R8584 [the first resistor with up to down on the right of  U8550 (Frame Buffer)], the volt of this node to be 0.9V from 1.05V indicate ran passed DG and then will display;PPVCORE_S0_AXG  pin 1 (down) of  C1737 [big capacitor, no stuff, upper right of  J2500 (PROCESSOR MINI XDP)] down to 0.4V from 0.6V indicate ran passed IG ;LVDS_CONN_B_CLK_F_N/P  pin 2(left) of  R9242/R9240 (the third/fourth resistor with up to down on the left of XP25-5),  or  L9011 (back of  J9000) and pin 29/30 of  J9000;  LVDS_CONN_A_CLK_F_N/P  pin 2 (left) of  R9222/R9220 (the sixth/fifth resistor with down to up on the left of  XP25-5), or  L9010 (under pin 17/18 of  J9000);LVDS_EG_A_CLK_P/N  R9660 [the second risistor (stuff level) with right to left on the upper right of  XP25-5];GMUX_RESET_L  receives  PLT_RESET_L  through pin 2 (right) of  R2887 [the middle one on the left of  U2880 (5 pin and on the upper left of  CS4206)]PEX_CLKREQ_L  is  Whistler  output to XP25-5  through 0Ω R8795 (the stuff vertical one on the middle left of  U8900 (GPUVCORE REG)PEG_CLKREQ_L  is XP25-5 output to PCH and pull up to  PP3V3_S0  through 10K R1846;PP1V2_S0  &  GMUX_TOE  R9640 (the third resistor with right to left under  XP25-5);PP3V3_S0  &  GMUX_CFG0  R9645 (the fifth resistor with right to left under  XP25-5);PP1V8_S0_GMUX_R  all the pins of those four components near  Q9706 (6 pin and lower right of TBT host);FB_RESET_L  R8262 [the second component with right to left of stuff level under  U8550 (Frame buffer on the rightmost)];EG_RESET_L  pin 1 (left) of  R9691 (the fifth component with down to up on the right of  XP25-5);GPU_CLK100M  GPU_CLK27M  R8730  R8731 {402, double on the upper left of  U8700 [10 pin, GPU Reference Clocks, on the left of  Y8700 (GPU OSC 27M, back side of  DG)]},near the two screw holes;GPU_OSC_27M_XTALIN  upper left of  Y8700;PM_ALL_GPU_PGOOD  pin 2 (up) of  R9990 (the second component with left ot right above  J5100 & keyboard CONN);file:///C:\Users\S\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsB7F8.tmp.jpg EG_PWRSEQ_EN  pull up to PP3V3_S0 through 1K pin 1 (down) of  R9684 [a lonely stuff vertical 201 resistor on the lower left of  C7252 (the big capacitor stuff vertical on the upper left of south bridge)];MEM ODT  non test point, is  pin 116 & 120;MEM_RESET_L  pin 2 of  R3217 (down pin) & R3216 (up pin) [lower left of screw hole ZT0984 on the upper right of  J2900 (down DIMM, board back side)]  or pin 3 (lower right) of  Q3215 (6 pin);LPC_AD<0,1,3,2>  R1860/1/3/2  the seventh/eighth/ninth/tenth component with up to down on the left of  PCH;LPC_FRAME_L  R1864 (the 14 component with up to down on the left of  PCH);LPCPLUS_RESET_L  &  PLT_RESET_L  R2881 [stuff level above  J5100 (no stuff) and keyboard CONN];SMC_LRESET_L  sources by  PLT_RESET_L  through  R2883 ;PLT_RST_CPU_BUF_L  pin 4 of  U2890 (5 pin and left of  CS4206),pull up to 1.05V, input is  PLT_RESET_L;PLT_RST_BUF_L  pin 4 of  U2880 (5 pin and on the upper left of  CS4206);PM_THRMTRIP_L  pull up to  PP1V05 through  R1104 (stuff vertical one on the left of  C1641 (the second with the column 4 big capacitors on the upper right of  J2900 (down DIMM)], CPU to PCH;LPC_PWRDWN_L  test point above the first resistor with right to left of the row components on the right of  BIOS,  SUS_STAT  pin of  PCH output;PM_PCH_SYS_PWROK  R9962 {the first one with right to left under  U9950 [PCH S0 PWRGD, 8 pin and above keyboard CONN and  J5100 (no stuff)]}, include  SMC_DELAYED_PWRGD, CPUIMVP_PGOOD  &  ALL_SYS_PWRGD;CPUIMVP_PGOOD  pin 2 (up) of  R9950 (left of  R9962);CPUIMVP_TON  pin 1 (up) of  R7402 (the rightmost one of those four components on the lower right of 95831);CPU_VIDALERT_L  R1310 (the fourth component with up to down on the left of  CPU);CPU_VIDSCLK/OUT  R7479/R7480 [two resistors on the upper left of 95831 (IMVP REG)];SPI_MLB_CS_L  pin 1 (upper left) of  U6100 (BIOS);CPUIMVP_VR_ON  pin 1 (lower right of  95831) sources by  ALL_SYS_PWRGD  through  R7974 (left of  R7402);CPU_PWRGD  R2140 (the first resistor with down to up on the right of  PCH), is PCH send to  UNCOREPWRGOOD pin of  CPU, PROCPWRGD pin of  PCH output;DMI_CLK100M_CPU_N  point on the lower left of  C1643 [the down on of the column 4 big capacitors on the upper right of  J2900 (down DIMM)];LPC_CLK33M_SMC  R2855 (the sixth component with left to right above PCH);LPC_CLK33M_GMUX  R2857 (the third component with right to left on the upper left of  PCH), PCH output;SYSCLK_CLK25M_SB  pin 9 (upper right) of  U2800 (32k &25M);PM_MEM_PWRGD  pin 6 (upper left) of  Q3220 (6 pin , lower left of  PCH);PP1V5_S3RS0_CPUDDR  pin 1,2,3 (lower right) of  Q7801 [8 pin and on the middle above J2900 (down DIMM)];PWROK  &  APWROK  receives  PM_PCH_PWROK  sources by  SMC_DELAYED_PWRGD  through  R9960 (upper right of  U9950);ALL_SYS_PWRGD  pin 4 (right) of  Q7950 (S0 Rail PGOOD, on the left of  MIC CONN);PPVCCSA_S0_REG  L7010 (left of  J3100 (up DIMM)];PM_PECI_PWRGD  come from  CPUVCCIOS0_PGOOD  through  R7975 (outside on the lower right of  95831), send to  IO;PCH CORE VCC & VCCASW  sources by  PP1V05_S0  = PPCPUVCCIO_S0_REG  L7630 [stuff vertical above  J3100 (up DIMM)] ;SLP_LAN  pin of  PCH  GPIO29_SLP_LAN_L  pull up  to  PP3V3_SUS through  R1982 [upper right of  J5713 (KB CONN)];SMC_PBUS_VSENSE  R5303 {upper right of  Q7080 [Inrush Limiter, between TPad CONN & battery CONN)]}, EN is  PM_SLP_S3_R_L;PM_SLP_S3_R_L  pin 1 of  Q7865 [3 pin, lower right of  J3401 (WIFI CONN)];PPDDR_S3  L7330 (upper right of  up DIMM);P1V5CPU_EN  pin 2 & 3 (right) of  U7801 (right of  Q7801,8 pin too), sources by  PM_SLP_S4_L  through  R3205;PM_SLP_S4_L  pin 1 (left) of  R3205 (stuff level on the upper right of down DIMM and left of two 6 pin chips);PM_SLP_S5_L  pin 1 (left) of  R7922 [upper left of  Q7820 (3V3_SUS FET, 6 pin) and upper right of keyboard CONN], PCH to IO direct;SMC_CLK32K  test point on the right of  L6995 (3V42);PM_RSMRST_L  pin 1 (lower left) of  U7930 {6 pin and between  BAT CONN &  U2600 [40 pin, USB HUB1 (left one)]} output , PP3V3_SUS*PP3V3_S5  create ;PM_BATLOW_L  pin 2 of  Q5040 (3 pin and upper right of keyboard CONN  J5713,pin 1 is  PP3V3_SUS);PP3V3_SUS  down 4 pin of  Q7820 (6 pin on the upper right of  keyboard CONN);PP5V_SUS  down 4 pin of  Q7840 (upper right Q7820 and 6 pin);PM_SUS_EN  pin 2 (left)  of  R7917 (stuff level and no stuff, right of  Q7820), come from and gate  U7940 (PM_SLP_SUS_L & SMC_BATLOW_L);PM_SLP_SUS_L  pin 1 (right) of  R7917;PM_DSW_PWRGD  pin 1 (right) of  R1909 [the second resistor with up to down from  C1802 (a biger capacitor in the middle of the column components on the left of  PCH]S5_PWRGD  pin 2 (right) of  R7941 (outside one on the lower left of  51980);VCCDSW3_3  =  PP3V3_S5  pin 1,2,3 (upper right) of  Q7830 (8 pin and on the upper right of  J5713);P3V3S5_EN  &  SMC_PM_G2_EN  R7940 (the fourth component with right to left under pin 21 of  51980);PCH_DSWVRMEN  pull up to  PPVRTC_G3H through pin 2 (right) of  R1915 (the second component with down to up on the left and near PCH);RTC_RESET_L  &  PPVRTC_G3H  pin 1 (right) of  C2810 [under pin 1 (lower left) of  U2800 (16 pin, left of  PCH)];SMC_ONOFF_L  R5016 (upper left of  J5713)  and  R5015 [upper left of  U5010 (8 pin, under PCH)];SMC_RESET_L  pin 5 (upper left of  U5010);SMC_EXTAL/XTAL  Y5010 above  IO;PP3V3_S5_AVREF_SMC  pin 8 (lower left) of  U5010;SMC_DCIN_VSENSE  R5313 [the first one with right to left above  J5800 (IPD Flex Connector, Internal Pad)], come from  Q5310, EN is  SMC_BC_ACOK;SMC_BC_ACOK  pin 14 (upper left) of  6259  or  pin 1 & 2 of  U6901 [the smaller 5 pin above  U5701 (PSOC USB CONTROLLER)];SMC_DCIN_ISENSE  &  CHGR_AMON  R5441 [the first one with up to down on the lower left of  L6995 (3V42)]; SMC_LID  R6961 (the second component with left to right under MIC CONN), pull up to 3V42;file:///C:\Users\S\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsB80A.tmp.jpg G3_POWERON_L  only pull up to pin 1 (up) of  R5072 (the second component with left to right of the outside row under  IO);PP3V42_G3H  L6995 (upper right of battery CONN);U6990  above  L6995,  R6995 (on the left of  U6990, connect pin 7,4 & 3 of U6990),  D6990  on the left of  L6995;




哪里复制的 全是英文……






好吧, 我就慢慢看下吧,反正没事



















Good brother. How many times do you want to write? The professional data we can get is still very limited. So it's hard for us to do a lot of research.

写得不错,还标明了位置。但是觉得时序有点错,例如:cpu_pwrgd应该在cpu_imvp_vr_on后面吧。而且bios第一只叫在待机的时候就已经有3.3v了,而你把它写在开机后。是不是有点不对啊 电路 电子 维修 我现在把定影部分拆出来了。想换下滚,因为卡纸。但是我发现灯管挡住了。拆不了。不会拆。论坛里的高手拆解过吗? 评论 认真看,认真瞧。果然有收 电路 电子 维修 求创维42c08RD电路图 评论 电视的图纸很少见 评论 电视的图纸很少见 评论 创维的图纸你要说 版号,不然无能为力 评论 板号5800-p42ALM-0050 168P-P42CLM-01
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CPUcpu-z 1.77版低调发布

日本维修技术更新: New benchmark “submit and compare” feature New clocks dialog reporting all system’s clock speeds in real-time Preliminary support for Intel Kaby Lake AMD Bristol Ridge processors 主要是增加了支持I、A两个新架构的 ...



日本维修技术这几天经常开机黑屏,热重启后又正常,今天热重启也不管用了。折腾半天总算点亮,显示超频失败,以前出这个画面我是不理它的,直接重启就能正常进系统了,今天不敢托大,因为 ...



日本维修技术问题见楼主的show贴 https://www.chiphell.com/thread-1634895-1-1.html 这次华擎的H170 Hyper最大的特色应该是自带时钟发生器可以自由超外频 可是楼主好久没有折腾超频了。。。 两图中除了CPU外频 以 ...



日本维修技术前阵子看到有人说,液态金属时间长了会侵蚀cpu铜盖,那么问题来了,这货会不会侵蚀核心呢? 评论 这玩意儿好像只对铝起反应 评论 不是说,cpu的盖子是铜的吗。。。 评论 不会,核 ...


CPUm6i究竟支不支持e3 1231v3

日本维修技术官网上看支持列表没写有e3 1231v3,装机帖又有人晒,百度也没个明确答案,那究竟能不能点亮?有在用的chher说一下么 评论 升级最新bios肯定可以支持 评论 我的p67evo官网上也没说支持12 ...


CPU华擎 HYPER 妖板 正确玩法

日本维修技术600元的 B150,10相供电,释放洪荒之力 注意必须官网 Beta 区的 BIOS 有 AVX 的 CPU 可能会掉缓存 启动时按 X 键激活 SKY OC,重启后进入 BIOS 160924164727.jpg (95.63 KB, 下载次数: 1) 2016-9-24 17:47 上传 ...


CPUE5 2686 V3和i7 6800K如何选择

日本维修技术默认用,不超频,两者功耗是一模一样的 E5 2686 V3:2.0主频,3.5睿频, 18核心36线程 ,45M L3 咸鱼大约2500~3000元 i7 6800K : 3.5主频,3.8睿频 ,6核心12线程 ,盒装3000元 评论 性能应该是26 ...



日本维修技术播放器用PotPlay 64bit,各种优化后,跑4K @120Hz视频只能到70帧左右的速度,勉强能用! 显示器用的4K的优派VP2780 未标题-1.jpg (211.97 KB, 下载次数: 0) 2016-9-26 21:29 上传 评论 这个估计你没优化 ...


CPU6900k 1.25V到4.2体质怎么样

日本维修技术如图,体质怎么样,ring是35,没敢试了,都说ring高了毁硬件 评论 不错的U,但不算雕,上4.4就大雕了,这电压上4.5的目前没见有人发图 评论 谢谢前辈告知 评论 我这个用1.2V超的4.2,R ...


CPUI3 6100 华擎B150M pro4超4.5g测试。

日本维修技术看看论坛没多少i3 6100的帖子,就转下自己发的show贴里面的数据,给大家参考下。家里还有当年的神U i3 540 oc 4.5G在给老妈用。 不知道数据上正常吗?有6100的朋友可以告诉下,另外是不有 ...



日本维修技术RT,听说要推200系板,100系还能用吗以后。。 评论 兼容的 评论 感谢!以后换u就行了,目前消息200系板会有新的特性吗? 评论 24条PCI-E 3.0通道、支持Intel Optane混合存储技术、十个USB 3 ...



日本维修技术一直徘徊在6700k和5820k之间,6700k现在这德行直接把我推向了5820k啊,从2600k升级上来,三大件都要换,现在唯一疑惑的是IB-E ex这种顶级风冷能不能压住4.5g的5820呢?毕竟刚刚买一个多月。 ...



日本维修技术太少了吧。。。 6600.JPG (106.91 KB, 下载次数: 0) 2016-10-1 10:30 上传 评论 毕竟只是i5而已…… 评论 上z170 6600也能超,等于没区别,差价能有100已经不错了 评论 然后又见不超频人士推荐超频 ...