Dell bios password removal for latest models
RESET Dell Bioses
Reset Dell 15R-N5110 Bios

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remove motherboard from you laptop.
connect power and turn on.
short G2201 only one time.its shout down.
remove power and assemble your laptop again
Then go to bios by press F2.
note: This instructions for helponly and for professionals only. general users do not try this. Don't short G2201 two times or in even will show youpassword prompt again.
RESET DELL 1545 Bios

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1545mobo with Graphics
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1545without Graphics1. removemotherboard from you laptop.2. connectpower and turn on.3. shortG49 only one time.its shout down.4. removepower and assemble your laptop again5. Thengo to bios by press F2.note: This instructions for helponly and for professionals only. general users do not try this. 1545 without graphics canbe reset only to remove wifi cover.Don't short G49 two times or in even will show you passwordprompt again.
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remove motherboard from you laptop. 啪啪几下 拆机 取下主板
connect power and turn on. 接电源 按开关点火
short G2201 only one time.its shout down. 短接主板 G2201跳线点 仅仅一次,机器关机鸟
remove power and assemble your laptop again 拔掉电源 然后啪啪几下螺丝装好主板复原
Then go to bios by press F2. F2进入CMOS 设置
note: This instructions for helponly and for professionals only. general users do not try this. 注意哦:这个是对于专业人士才搞的哈,个人别闲的蛋疼搞这个。
Don't short G2201 two times or in even will show youpassword prompt again. 别短接 G2201跳线点一次超过2次以上,这样搞他会重新提示你的密码咯!
1545without Graphics 1545 集显没独显卡的货
1. removemotherboard from you laptop. 啪啪拆机取出主板
2. connectpower and turn on. 接电源 点火开机
3. shortG49 only one time.its shout down. 短接 G49跳线点一次,然后关机
4. removepower and assemble your laptop again 取下电源 啪啪几下装回去
5. Thengo to bios by press F2. F2进入 CMOS
note: This instructions for helponly and for professionals only. general users do not try this. 注意:专业人士才搞。个人不要乱搞
1545 without graphics canbe reset only to remove wifi cover. 1545这货没独显 只要打开WIFI 的盖子短接跳线点就可以搞定了,
Don't short G49 two times or in even will show you passwordprompt again. 搞短接G49达2次以上,他会重新要输入密码
我已经给他翻译。。。。。。。。。。。。 看下面
那就 老火了。。。。。
再认真看了一次,那像懂了,两款机,有跳线点短后清密码。 电路 电子 维修 我现在把定影部分拆出来了。想换下滚,因为卡纸。但是我发现灯管挡住了。拆不了。不会拆。论坛里的高手拆解过吗? 评论 认真看,认真瞧。果然有收 电路 电子 维修 求创维42c08RD电路图 评论 电视的图纸很少见 评论 电视的图纸很少见 评论 创维的图纸你要说 版号,不然无能为力 评论 板号5800-p42ALM-0050 168P-P42CLM-01
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