日本电子维修技术 希捷11代12代硬盘固件门F3修复指令详解
1) ASCII Diagnostic Mode
This mode is enabled by Control-Z. In this mode, the drive will respond to all ASCII commands described in this document. It will not respond to ESLIP encoded packets received over the serial port interface. In this mode, the native interface (SATA, SCSI, SAS, FC) is not alive.
- Entering a Control-Z character from YASPP (or any similar host serial port program) while the drive serial port is in ESLIP mode or ASCII Online mode will switch the serial port to ASCII Diagnostic mode.
- Entering a Control-R character while the drive serial port is in ASCII Diagnostic mode will switch the serial port to ASCII Online mode. In this mode, the native interface (SATA, SCSI, SAS, FC) is alive.
- Entering a Control-T character while the drive serial port is in ASCII Diagnostic mode will switch the serial port to ESLIP mode.
(2) Initialize Defect List (Level T 'i')
Description:This command initializes the Defect List to contain no defects.
Quick Help:
"InitDefectList, i[DefectListSelect],[SaveListOpt],[ValidKey]";
Input Parameters:
0 - List Selection.
This parameter is a bit significant value that specifies which defect lists are to be initialized. Setting a bit indicates that the corresponding defect list is to be initialized.
bits 31-3: Reserved for possible use for additional lists
bit 2: User Alt List
bit 1: Reserved (ignored)
bit 0: User Slip List
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 1 or 4 or 5
Default: None
1 - Action
0 - defects will be cleared in the current, volatile, copy of the defect list(s) in RAM , but lists won't be written to disk, modification is TEMPORARY .
1 - modified ( cleared ) versions of defect lists will be written
to disk, defects are PERMANENTLY cleared.
2 - the defect list will be read from non-volatile memory, overwriting
any changes in volatile memory.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 to 2
Default: 0
2 - Valid Command Key.
This parameter must be equal to 22 Hex. If this parameter is not equal to 22 Hex, the command will not be executed.
Type: Unsigned 8-bit value
Range: 0x22
Default: None
Output Data:
If an error occurred, the following information will be displayed.
"DiagError aaaaaaaa " where aaaaaaaa is the Diagnostic Error Code
Example #1:
To initialize the slip list to zeros:
T> i1,,22
Example #2:
To initialize the alt list to zeroes and save the zeroed list to disk:
T> i4,1,22
Example #3:
To reread the alt list from disk:
T> i4,2,22
(3). SMART Control (Level 1 'N')
Performs several diagnostic SMART functions.
Quick Help:
"SmartControl, N[SubCmd],[SubCmdParm0],[SubCmdParm1]";
Input Parameters:
0 - Serial Port Command.
This parameter defines which command will be used on the SMART Serial Port. The following are the allowable commands.
0x01: INITIALIZE_SMART_DATA - initializes SMART statistics data (both in RAM and SMART sectors). Also initializes Fast Flush and Media Cache on the disk.
0x05: DUMP_SMART_ATTRIBUTES - retrieves SMART's attributes.
0x06: DUMP_SMART_THRESHOLDS - retrieves SMART's thresholds.
0x08: DUMP_CE_LOG - retrieves the critical event log.
0x23: CLEAR_PERSISTENT_INFO - clears persistent information.
Type: Unsigned 8-bit value
Range: 0x00 to 0x23
Default: None
1 - Variable Parameter
Multi-purpose parameter. Used in command 01 to initialize Fast Flush and Media cache. Used in command 03 as the number of the attribute to change.
Type: Unsigned 16-bit value
Range: 0 to 0xFFFF
Default: None
2 - Boolean Bit Value.
Used in command 03 to set/clear the boolean value for the bit.
Type: Boolean value
Range: 0 to 0x1
Default: None
Output Data:
If an error occurred, the following information will be displayed.
"DiagError aaaaaaaa " where aaaaaaaa is the Diagnostic Error Code
N1 - initialize Smart data
N5 - display attribute values
N6 - display threshold values
(4). Format Partition (Level T 'm')
Description: This command formats the specified partition.
Quick Help:
"FormatPartition, m[Partition],[FormatOpts],[DefectListOpts],[MaxWrRetryCnt],[MaxRdRetryCnt],[MaxEccTLevel],[MaxCertifyTrkRewrites],[ValidKey],[DataPattern]";
Input Parameters:
0 - Partition Number.
This parameter specifies the media partition to be formatted.
0 = User Partition
1 = System Partition
Type: Unsigned 8-bit value
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0
1 - Format Options.
This parameter is a bit significant value that selects the following options:
Bits 31-6: not used
Bit 5: Enable SeaCOS XF Space Format.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this bit is equal to 1, the the Format Partition command will only format SeaCOS Extended File (XF) space.
NOTE: This feature can be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Use the quick help to determine whether your code supports this feature.
Bit 4: Enable Zone Re-format Skipping.
If this bit is equal to 1, then the Format Partition command will enable the zone re-format skipping mode during the format operation. With this mode enabled, the format operation will not re-format a zone if grown defects were found in the zone.
NOTE: This feature can be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Use the quick help to determine whether your code supports this feature.
Bit 3: Enable Event-based Format Logging.
If this bit is equal to 1, then the Format Partition command will display information about error events that occur during the format operation. This information will be displayed as interim status as these events occur.
NOTE: This feature can be enabled or disabled at compile-time. Use the quick help to determine whether your code supports this feature.
Bit 2: Disable User Partition Certify.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this bit is equal to 1, media certification and defect deallocation will be disabled.
Bit 1: Disable User Partition Format.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this bit is equal to 1, the User Partition sectors will not be written with a constant data pattern.
Bit 0: Corrupt User Partition Primary Defects.
This bit is only valid when the User Partition is selected. If this bit is equal to 1, the primary defective sectors will be corrupted.
Type: Unsigned 32-bit value
Range: 0 or 0xFFFFFFFF
Default: 0 (Enable User partition Certify,
Enable User Partition Format,
Don't Corrupt Primary Defects)
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