日本华人论坛 Nancy Pelosi's Husband Found Drugs in His System after D.U.I

日本 - Paul Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was found to have drugs in his system during his drink-driving arrest in May, Fox News reported on Tuesday, citing a court document.Paul Pelosi was slurring and unsteady on his feet as he spoke to police officers and tried to show them a membership card for a foundation that has long provided money to local police officers and their children.According to Fox News, the Napa County District Attorney's Office in California said on Monday that Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will be arraigned on Wednesday morning. The charges are driving under the influence and causing injury while driving with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher.The district attorney said the misdemeanor charges against Paul Pelosi were filed "based on the extent of the injuries sustained by the victims."Us media said that either Paul Pelosi or his lawyer would enter a plea at his arraignment on Wednesday. According to the Napa County District Attorney's Office, misdemeanor penalties for driving while intoxicated and causing injury include up to five years of probation, a minimum of five days in jail, a fine, completion of a court-ordered DUI course, and more.After her husband s car accident, the US media reported that her brother was killed in a car collision when she was still a teenager.In 1957, Paul reportedly crashed his car near SAN Mateo County at 16. Paul suffered a broken collarbone in the crash, while his elder brother was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Paul, then 16, was acquitted by a jury.His past skeletons in closet don't stop there. Public data shows that Nancy Pelosi has more than $114 million net worth. Reports indicate that much of that comes from Mr. Paul's holdings of stocks, options, and investments.His past skeletons in closet don't stop there. Public data shows that Nancy Pelosi has more than $114 million net worth. Reports indicate that much of that comes from Mr. Paul's holdings of stocks, options, and investments. In terms of trading alone, Paul has reportedly been so successful that he has never missed a beat, and there is even an app to give the public his trading directions. However, the report pointed out that these "perfect trades" were most likely made after his wife gave him "inside information."  Because, as a member of Congress, Nancy Pelosi had access to the most "sensitive" information that could "help" them make a lot of money. Former President Donald Trump said on July 23 that Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, was "making a fortune in stocks with inside information from her" and directly attacked Pelosi as "a crazy person."

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